Michael Gervais is a co-founder of Compete to Create and host of the Finding Mastery podcast.
10 Books Recommended by Michael Gervais
1. Man’s Search for Meaning
“Outlines methods to discover deep meaning and purpose in life.” – Michael Gervais
Man’s Search for Meaning is a 1946 book by Viktor Frankl.
2. Mind Gym
“Strips down the esoteric nature of applied sport psychology.” – Michael Gervais
Mind Gym: An Athlete’s Guide to Inner Excellence is a 2001 book by Gary Mack.
3. Tao Te Ching
“Lao Tzu’s depth of teachings are complicated to decode and provide foundations for wisdom.” – Michael Gervais
Tao Te Ching is one of the world’s best philosophical and spiritual classics of all time.
4. The Invitation
“One of my favorite poets.” – Michael Gervais (Source)
The invitation is a 1999 book by Oriah mountain dreamer.
5. Inch and Miles
“My son and I read this book together on a regular basis. The joy that I get from hearing him understand Coach Wooden’s insights is fantastically rewarding.” – Michael Gervais
Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success is a 2003 book by John Wooden.
6. The Dance
“One of my favorite poets.” – Michael Gervais (Source)
The Dance: Moving to the Deep Rhythms of Your Life is a 2001 book by Oriah mountain dreamer.
7. The Call
“One of my favorite poets.” – Michael Gervais (Source)
The Call: Discovering Why You Are Here is a 2003 book by Oriah mountain dreamer.
8. What We Ache For
“One of my favorite poets.” – Michael Gervais (Source)
What We Ache For: Creativity and the Unfolding of Your Soul is a 2005 book by Oriah mountain dreamer.
9. The Way of the Champion
“It’s a book that you do, rather than just read. It’s great. I pass it out like it’s candy in locker rooms.” – Michael Gervais (Source)
The Way of the Champion: Lessons from Sun Tzu’s the Art of War and Other Tao Wisdom for Sports & Life is a 2006 book by Jerry Lynch with Chungliang Al Huang.
10. Self Esteem
“Pretty powerful.” – Michael Gervais (Source)
Self Esteem is a 1975 book by Virginia Satir.